
eLearning Forum Asia (eLFA) Awards


Past Award Winners


The eLearning Forum Asia (eLFA) Awards aim to recognise, reward and share exemplary practices among the eLearning communities in all participating countries/regions.

Established in 2019, the eLFA Awards align with the Mission of eLearning Forum Asia to promote the nexus between education and technology, through facilitating the exchange of challenges and successes experienced by different institutions.

We sincerely invite you to submit applications for the following eLFA2025 awards:


Community Outreach Award

The Community Outreach Award is for organisations and individuals demonstrating unwavering passion with their outreach to the less fortunate and disadvantaged through the use of technology and community services to improve the quality of education.

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Exemplary Teaching and Learning Award

The eLFA Exemplary Teaching and Learning Award is for institutions or individuals championing best practices in effective use of pedagogically driven technology for teaching and learning.

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Technology Innovation Award

The eLFA Technology Innovation Award is for organisations or individuals driving excellence through innovation and effective use of technology in education.

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Important Notes

  1. You may submit multiple applications in any award category. Please ensure each application is unique in itself and is not submitted to multiple award categories.
  2. Shortlisted award nominees are required to do a 20-minute online presentation followed by 10-minute Q&A with the eLFA Award Judging Panel. The presentation will be held in late July 2025.
  3. All shortlisted award nominees will be informed via email and at least one representative is required to be on-site at the conference to be eligible for eLFA awards.
  4. The award winners will be announced at the conference and there will be 3 winners (Gold, Silver and Bronze) per award category. Each winner will receive an eLFA award plaque.
  5. No fee is required for award application.
  6. Deadline for award submission: 5 June 2025
  7. For further enquiries, please contact us at awards2025@elfasia.org.