
eLearning Forum Asia (eLFA) Awards

Community Outreach Award

The Community Outreach Award is for organisations and individuals demonstrating unwavering passion with their outreach to the less fortunate and disadvantaged through the use of technology and community services to improve the quality of education.

*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Job Title:
Team Member(Optional):
Please answer these questions:
*1: In 100 words, please describe what this project/initiative is about.
*2: Please describe how technology is used to improve the quality of education for the less fortunate and disadvantaged communities.
*3: Is this project/initiative considered an important and meaningful one for the users?
*4: How does it stand out from other similar projects/initiatives in your country/region?
*5: What are the tangible outcome/benefits derived? Please provide supporting documents such as website, video or case study reference.
*Attachment (allowed file type: ZIP, DOC, EXCEL, PDF, PPT, MP4; max. 500MB)
For multiple files upload, please submit documents in a single ZIP file: